What are LUTs?

In this blog we learn what a LUT (lookup table) is and how to use them in your workflow.
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October 16, 2023

What is a LUT?

A LUT, or Look-Up Table, is a mathematical formula used in digital image processing to transform the color of an image or video. It is commonly used in the film and photography industry to achieve specific color grading effects and create a desired visual style.

How do LUTs work?

LUTs work by mapping the input colors of an image or video to new output colors based on the defined mathematical formula. Each pixel's color values are modified according to the LUT, resulting in a transformed image with altered color characteristics.

Why are LUTs important?

LUTs play a crucial role in achieving consistent and accurate color grading in visual media. They allow filmmakers, photographers, and video editors to apply predefined color presets or create their own unique looks, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of their work.

How are LUTs used in the industry?

LUTs are used in various stages of the production process. During pre-production, filmmakers and photographers can use LUTs to visualize the desired color grading for a particular scene or project. In post-production, LUTs are applied to the raw footage or images to achieve the intended look and feel.

Can I create my own LUTs?

Absolutely! Many professionals and enthusiasts create their own LUTs to develop a signature style or achieve a specific visual effect. With the help of specialized software, you can create LUTs by manipulating color values, contrast, saturation, and other parameters.

Types of LUTs

  1. Color Correction LUTs: These LUTs are used to correct color and tone in images or videos. They are often used to match the color and contrast of different cameras or to correct for lighting conditions.
  2. Color Grading LUTs: Color grading LUTs are used to give a specific "look" or aesthetic to an image or video. They can be used to create cinematic or stylized effects.
  3. 1D and 3D LUTs: LUTs can be one-dimensional (1D) or three-dimensional (3D). 1D LUTs are used for color and tonal adjustments, while 3D LUTs provide more complex transformations that can affect both color and contrast.
  4. Technical LUTs: These LUTs are used for specific technical purposes, such as gamma correction, color space conversion, and calibration. They are often used in professional video and imaging workflows.
  5. Creative LUTs: These LUTs are designed to apply artistic or creative effects to images or videos. They can include things like vintage looks, cross-processing effects, and various stylized grading options.
  6. Calibration LUTs: In the context of displays and monitors, calibration LUTs are used to correct color accuracy and ensure that the displayed colors match a standard reference.
  7. 3D Printing LUTs: In 3D printing, LUTs can be used to map colors or control various printing parameters to achieve the desired output.
  8. Monitor LUTs: These are used in professional video and graphics applications to ensure accurate color representation on computer monitors or displays.
  9. Device-Specific LUTs: These are tailored to specific devices like printers, scanners, or cameras to ensure consistent color reproduction and calibration.
  10. Logarithmic and Linear LUTs: Log LUTs are often used in film and video post-production, while linear LUTs are more straightforward and used in various other applications.
  11. Cube and 1D LUTs: Cube LUTs are three-dimensional and can be used for more complex color transformations. 1D LUTs operate on one dimension and are primarily used for simple adjustments.
  12. Real-Time LUTs: These LUTs are designed for applications where color grading or correction needs to be applied in real-time, such as video game rendering or live streaming.

Where can I find LUTs?

There are numerous online platforms and marketplaces where you can find a wide range of LUTs. Some are available for free, while others can be purchased. It's important to choose LUTs that align with your creative vision and the specific requirements of your project. The best place to download LUTs can be found at Creativepass.io or moonbear.shop!

Are LUTs compatible with all software?

Most professional video editing and color grading software support LUTs, including popular programs like Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, and Photoshop. However, it's always recommended to check the compatibility of LUTs with your specific software version.

Can LUTs be used in real-time?

Yes, many modern video editing software and hardware devices support real-time LUT previewing and application. This allows users to see the immediate effect of a LUT on their footage or images, making the color grading process more efficient and interactive.

Are LUTs only used for color grading?

No, while color grading is the primary use of LUTs, they can also be employed for other purposes. LUTs can be used to correct color imbalances, match footage from different cameras, simulate film stocks, or even create special effects.


LUTs are powerful tools that enable professionals and enthusiasts to achieve stunning and consistent color grading in their visual projects. Whether you're a filmmaker, photographer, or video editor, understanding LUTs and their application can greatly enhance your creative capabilities and help you achieve the desired visual style.